People will say your writing is unrealistic,
illogical, or boring.
Write anyway.
People will praise your writing one day, and
then pan you the next day.
Write anyway.
If your writing is successful and
you make money from it, you
will acquire false friends
and new enemies.
Write anyway.
You can spend years researching
a novel and painstakingly writing
and revising it before publishing,
and someone can still accuse
you of plagiarizing.
Write anyway.
If you help other writers, some people
will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Help other writers anyway.
If you are happy with your writing,
and are not a depressed struggling writer,
other people may be jealous of you.
Write with happiness anyway.
Give the world your best writing, and
many people will still say
you're not good enough.
Write your best anyway. In the end,
it was never between you and them.