The time has come for one more year to close .
Close this old book and start a fresh new page.
Page one is clean with nothing written yet .
Yet, something must be written at this stage.
Stage one decides the things we’d like to change.
Change the old habits which we know are bad.
Bad Karma might have kept us from our best.
Best, let it go, there’s so much more to add.
Add resolutions that we’re sure we’ll keep.
Keep realistic, lest they make us fail.
Fail not to note the things that made us slip.
Slip in some notes for things we hope to nail.
Nail on our wall a timeline to achieve.
Achieve those goals we’ve put off all these years.
Years pass by quickly and, too late, they’re gone.
Gone because we’ve been victimized by fears.
Fears mustn’t be allowed to rule our life.
Life is too precious to waste any more.
More certain now it’s time to reach our goals .
Goals to achieve in Twenty -twenty-four.