- A Baseball Birthdayby Debi Pick Marquette
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For John, jmdg1954
: A Baseball Birthday by Debi Pick Marquette


John's married forty four years to his lovely wife, Debbie

Their kids are Robbie, Cindy, Mark; Yes, proud parents of three

They love their five grandchildren and wish more often they'd see

New Jersey's home, with their three dogs, all happy as can be 


He coached for all three of the kids, for baseball and softball

Thanksgiving yearly football game, with neighbors one and all

He loves to do some cooking, and he has since kids were small

Now both his sons are chefs, perhaps that’s where they got their call


John mostly loves his baseball, but he is an all sports man

He is not from New York, but he's a Jets and Yankees fan

Still goes to work, on Sundays too, so watches when he can

To keep writing about his kids and ball, is his game plan


In high school, played banjo in Mummers string band, New Year's Day

He writes about Mango and Bert, with hearts so big, they pray

His stories are such fun to read, and he's got more to say

One of the best reviewers, who so often comes my way


A baseball celebration, and our invite we extend

To everyone at FanStory, let's hope all will attend 

 We'll hit some right out of the park, a grand slam we will send

To wish you Happy Birthday, John, our teammate and our friend 



Author Notes


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