- What Happens Whenby Douglas Goff
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What Happens When by Douglas Goff
Humorous Christmas Poem writing prompt entry

What happens when

Dasher becomes more of a walker 

Dancer is less lambada and more talker 

Prancer changes into a stalker

What happens when

Vixen looses her good looks 

Comet burns up and cooks

Cupid is only interested in Harlequin books

What happens when 

Blitzen is moving more at a creep

Donner is now six feet deep

Rudolph’s nose fades making him weep?

Santa gets a FedEx account

Writing Prompt
Write a funny Christmas poem of any length that rhymes. Any Christmas-related subject is fine. Other holidays excluded. No Labor Day or International Curmudgeon Day. Boxing Day is straight out. Etc. Must have a clear rhyme scheme, but the specific pattern is up to the author. Have fun and feel free to be silly (but not tooo silly, this is a dignified literary website after all!).



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