- Hypnopompiaby Jessica Wheeler
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Wait to wake
Hypnopompia by Jessica Wheeler
Free Verse writing prompt entry
Artwork by cleo85 at

In night's cruel capture,
where consciousness dangles,
I'm chained to memories
that break with morning.

I beg a brisk breeze
to bargain in my favor,
sway my somber slumber
usher in the sun.

Find me, nestled
in the void
between the dark and light.
Where I fell at dusk
to journey
and I linger
till I rise.

Breaking dawn,
I await your waking light.
Disrupt my daze
and pull me from
the precipice of peril.

For I fear another fall,
in sleep.

Writing Prompt
Please write a free verse poem. Any topic. No rhyming patterns.


Author Notes
A hypnopompic state (hypnopompia) is the state of consciousness leading out of sleep.


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