- He Found Out Meby Claire Tennant
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He Found Out Me by Claire Tennant
Free Verse writing prompt entry
Artwork by StarvinMarvin at

There was a Man in Galilee
Someone of renown
His eyes were warm yet calculating
His sandalled feet were brown
no home, no fortune, yet a King
no wife, no children, He
took as disciples twelve ordinary men
Yet He found out me
He healed the sick the blind the lame
He spoke of a place unknown
and without a Kingdom revealed then
the Master Plan was shown
amid the fear and poverty
or the curse of the Pharisee
He shaped the ordinary Life
and set the prisoner free

The friendships, conversions and general awe
Jerusalem's glowing entry
the arrest, lash and the Calvary walk
to set Barabbas free
He took my sin, my guilt my shame
the weight of the cross
to make my life a worthy one
who comprehends the cost?
and yet you found out me Lord
and willingly forgive
despite the human frailty
so I can truly live
no journey is without your gaze
no horror too hard to bear
If I leave my hand in yours Lord
Enveloped in your care

and yet He found out me
and set the prisoner free
His was an exemplary life
so short His ministry


Writing Prompt
Please write a free verse poem. Any topic. No rhyming patterns.

Author Notes
In finding this, I realised that the original intention was to put it to music. On reflection, I don't think I will bother.


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