- Buddyby EILEEN LAW
This work has reached the exceptional level
buddy and the killer meet
Sandra's Lover
: Buddy by EILEEN LAW

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
The story opens with a grotesque murder. then introduces characters who will play deeper roles as we go along.

Another missing person. Its on the news, in the newspapers and talked about in every bar, coffee shop and beauty salon in the city. That's 3 known missing people in 6 months. The Bozeman Police department is declining to comment save to say, 'We are working hard on these cases and will update the public when we know more.' He smiles to himself. They won't figure it out as they have no clue. They have been searching in the wrong areas, talking to the wrong people. This makes him more self assured and bolder.

He has always been very careful who to pick. Better those that are alone, vulnerable. Those that give him the look. He was watching this one for a while. Making notes as to patterns. Where they walk and when. Destinations and times that they are alone. He even dared introduce himself once, when it was discovered, he was watching. They were both in the park.
"Good afternoon, sorry for staring but you were in my line of sight. See up in that tree? It's a Western Meadowlark. I've been looking for that one for a while. Tick! its now marked off in my book. What are you doing?"

A teen boy, around 14 is leaning against a tree. He is thin only just reaching puberty, stretching up in height but not yet filling out. He is a dark blonde with a dusting of baby hairs on his upper lip. He has on a T-shirt, jeans and runners. He has a black backpack sagging with schoolbooks. His cell phone in his hand and ear buds in his ears.

"Sorry?" He says, pulling on the wire to his ear buds.

"Oh, I thought you were looking at me and heard me. I was saying that I am bird watching and you were in my line of sight." He smiles at the boy. "You can call me Joe â?" what's your name?"
"My friends call me Buddy but its Alexander" He says, "Hey I gotta go, my parents are waiting for me at home." He turns and leaves. Joe watches him go.

Author Notes
This chapter introduces our killer - or does it?


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