- Kiss Meby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Free Verse for the Finding Your Muse Club
2023 Gypsy's Clubs
: Kiss Me by Gypsy Blue Rose
If You Would Like To Join the Finding your Muse Club, please check my author notes


kiss me

I yearn for your cherry lips

and gifted tongue

 ~ intoxicating as sweet wine ~

feed me

I'm weary from making love
replenish my strength
with figs and grapes

~ I crave your taste ~

let me see

what hides behind the veil

 the graceful curve of your nose
the plump enticing lips
~ smile of mother pearls ~

let me smell

your sweet peaches, berries,
amber, and myrrh scent
~ pour it all over me ~

let me feel you

against my skin

warm as sunshine
~ fresh as april rain ~

lie on my chest

I want to be tangled
~ in your pure essence ~

let your tired body rest

and dream a thousand dreams

~ of you and me ~


Author Notes
Thanks to Helen (Lyenochka) for suggesting to read Solomon's Song of Songs. I loved it and was inspired to write this free verse.

This week's event for the Finding Your Muse Club is to write a favorite bible verse or spiritual poem. I chose Solomon's Song of Songs 1:1 - 8:14 to read Song of Songs, click here

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem.


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