- Detective Terryby EILEEN LAW
This work has reached the exceptional level
Meet detective Terry - understand her struggles
Sandra's Lover
: Detective Terry by EILEEN LAW
Book of the Month contest entry

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of sexual content.
Mass murderer - missing people - a peek at the characters history. Lets see how this unfolds.

She lifts the cold drink of water to her lips, her face full of anger.
'That bastard' she thinks. 'Misogynistic self-serving prick.' Another day at the station with her forced to spend her day on basic research and very little street work as a detective.
Terry, born Tangerine Rainbow Smythe is 5' 8" with curly brown shoulder length hair. Brown eyes and a square jaw with a small serious mouth. She is a responsible woman with critical thinking. She was always serious thinker, even as a child. She is the complete opposite of her free-spirited fun-loving parents.
As a family, they lived a simple life, grew their own food, made their own soaps and had a house full of worn secondhand furniture. They worked only enough to pay the bills. Both parents were like hippies who just didn't want to completely grow up. Her parents still loved each other like newlyweds, often showering each other and their children with affection. How she ended up this way made no sense but here she is. She frequently loses patience with her parents but also loves them deeply. One or the other often calls her to borrow money â?" lets be real â?" take money that she never gets back.
She has a sister, the only thing in her life that she has a soft spot for. Her sister Karma Sandrine, known to all as Katie girl has developmental disabilities. She is innocent and sweet. She lives with Terry some of the time, when not with their parents. Terry has created a little haven for her sister in her home. The room full of bright colors and soft fabrics. The rest of Terry's home is plain with grey and beige walls and furniture. Each piece of furniture purchased to fulfill its purpose not for flair or design. The refrigerator, however, is covered in rainbows and balloons that Katie girl drew for her sister.
There was only one career that suited Terry. Her degrees in criminology and psychology were interesting to her but not her end goal. After graduation she went straight into the police academy. She spent 30 weeks in San Jose, the only police academy with that long of a term. She did this to maximize her police academy training. She also completed over 150 hours on firearms despite the perfunctory 71 standard hours. She graduated with her control designated marksman certificate and then became a ballistics expert. Her education along with all of the training should have offered her a place in almost any police force. And it did. She spent 6 years on the force in San Jose and was promoted to detective in 5 years instead of 8. That was when the Bozeman Montana Police force offered her, her first position as detective, full time. So, she accepted immediately. She reasoned that her first job as detective in a more peaceful town would be a better way to start. She looked forward to her new position with the Bozeman SRT (Special Response Team).
She did her research, Bozeman's violent crime rate was 3.3 per 1000, considerably lower than most towns. The police departments moto 'The Bozeman Police Department is committed to serving our community with integrity, striving at all times to be transparent and accountable in our work.' Gave her the impression that she would be respected and valued. Boy was she wrong.
Sargent Hayes quickly made it clear he didn't believe that women should be on the force, let alone a detective. She expected to have to prove her capabilities but not by spending her days re-reading psychological profiles of long solved crimes. 'Just to make sure we didn't miss anything.' What a waste of her skills and time. She was often told to file and refile, organize and scan cases. Prepare applications for search warrants and file the necessary paperwork. When she was allowed out on the street, it was usually an early shift, the slowest ones of the day. Hardly any action. She was certain her only street time was given to her only to please the captain, who initially hired her. Sargent Hayes, her supervising officer, begrudgingly took her onto his team.

Author Notes
This chapter is back into present day - the detective - how will she help solve the missing persons crimes?


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