- Exposedby Iza Deleanu
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Exposed by Iza Deleanu

         After so many years of searching for the meaning of life, I feel exposed. The truth is that I have searched in the wrong place. I constantly searched outside my soul... I always dug into other people's faces, and I mostly put my hope in others to bring me some meaning and establish order in my life. I've always looked at myself through the magnifying glass. I always made a big deal of all my mistakes and punished myself severely instead of accepting God's forgiveness. Once, I even stayed away from God for one year, thinking that I was not worthy to be in his house.
     Today, I've been exposed. God showed me the way. The meaning of life is just to be. He started this world with: "Let there be light!" It is as simple as that: let it be life! Yes, let it be life... no questions asked. I am looking at my cats. They just are... they don't ask any questions; they are for me. They are a blessing in my life. I am just a blessing in disguise for the people around me.
  I have to shake my fears and be like the water that doesn't care where it goes and flows. I have to be like rain that doesn't care where it rains; it just rains, bringing joy to the earth. I have to be like the sun that is free to shine... 


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