- Sandra, Thinking of Youby jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level
Trying to get a smile
Thoughts for Sandra-Stoner Mitchell
: Sandra, Thinking of You by jmdg1954

My condolences to you and your family in this period of grieving. I read all the previous posts. Though individually written, each post represents the love, friendship and admiration each of us on the site have for you.
My post is no different. In mine, I'm trying to get you to smile, laugh or at least chuckle. It's written with love  ...

Mango is a five year-old beagle living in Paducah Falls. Her very best friend in the world, Bert, is an eleven year-old St. Bernard living three doors away from Mango.

Mango became aware of Bert’s lack of playfulness over the past couple of days and decided to get to the bottom of the situation.

Putting on her Sherlock Holmes looking hat and spectacles and with pencil and paper in paw, she went over to Bert’s house to begin her investigation …

Mango knocked and walked in the front door. She found Bert lying in front of the toasty fireplace on this chilly November morning. Something out of the ordinary for Bert.

“Hiya, Bert,” Mango joyfully said. She wanted to keep the mood light for her bestie.

“Oh, hi there, Mango. What brings you here?” Bert responded without lifting his head.

“Bert, you’re my best friend in the whole wide world. Something’s bothering you. I can tell.” Mango adjusted her deerstalker hat and flaps. It was too big for her head, but didn’t let that deter her motive. 


“Come on big-fella, spill the beans; let the cat out of the bag; you can tell me anything. I can handle it,” Mango said trying to console Bert.

“Mango, it’s my younger brother, Bruno. He passed away the other day.”

“That’s cool,” said Mango. “He passed this way? Where was he going?”

“No. He didn’t pass this way, Mango. He passed away. He died and I didn’t get to say good-bye.”

“Mango's eyes dropped and became teary. “Oh, Bert. I’m so sorry.” Mango cuddled next to her friend. 

“I know you are. I didn’t want to tell you because you’re so young.” Bert put his huge paw on Mango, hugging his friend.

Of course his paw spun Mango's deerstalker hat covering her eyes with the flaps, sending her into darkness.

Without moving, her eyes still covered Mango responded, “Bert, I may be little, but I’m pretty smart and I’m your friend. You’re my best friend, remember? I’m here for you.”

“I know you’re all that, Mango. Thank you.”

Removing her cap, Mango said, “Bert, Mama says that God works in mysterious ways and… that… we can’t always understand. Mama would also tell you that God had his reason for taking Bruno. He has something very special planned for Bruno to do in heaven.”

“Your mama is a very smart beagle, Mango and it rubbed off on you!”

“Rubbed off? Where’d it go?”

“Oh, Mango, don’t you ever change.”


Sandra, if this got you to smile, even for only a few seconds, to me it's well worth it.



Author Notes
This photo is from my back deck this past summer. Somehow to me it felt appropriate.


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