blood red quince
at the cemetery—
grief petals on snow
Author Notes
My poem is for Sandra-Stoner Mitchell, who lost her brother, Ian, on November 11th. Please, let's pray for her and her family.
HAIKU, DEATH POEM (Jisei), is a genre of Japanese poetry. It offers a reflection on the imminent death of the author. It originated in Zen Buddhism. to see source click here
DEATH POEM is a genre of poetry that developed in Japan. They tend to offer a reflection on death coupled with a meaningful observation on life. It originates in Zen Buddhism. The poem's structure can be written in haiku 5/7/5 or tanka 5/7/5/7/7 form. Death poems are typically graceful, natural, and emotionally neutral. Death described, metaphorically, references such as sunsets, autumn or falling cherry blossom suggest the transience of life. wikipedia
Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.
Japanese quince flowers (Korukoji) has dark green leaves and deep red flowers. Some hybrid are thornless.