- Who Are You Quiz: Rachelle Allenby Rachelle Allen
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Answers to Gypsy Blue Rose's Questions
Who Are You Quiz: Rachelle Allen by Rachelle Allen

*Question - What's your favorite season? And why?
I love the Fall for its "Fresh Starts." The school year begins in Fall, and the Jewish New Year does, as well. Plus, I feel like even Mother Nature is looking to re-start as she sheds her leaves. [Oooh! Look at me getting all symbolic here!]

*Question - What is your astrological sign?
Leo the Lion, GrrrARRRRRR!

*Question - What is your Chinese zodiac sign?
Monkey. ("Sharp, smart, curious" is what I just discovered this means. And really, who am I to argue with 6,000 years of Chinese tradition?)

*Question - What is your Native American Spirit Animal?
Also lion: "Family, strength, energy, courage, guardian and protector." Spot on!! [Oh, wait! That would be more of leopard reference, wouldn't it? HAA! Get it? SPOT on!!] Actually, I would say that 'Leopard' is my REAL 'spirit animal,' but the totems didn't offer that. My bedroom and dining room would agree with me about it being leopard, though.

*Question - What do you like most about yourself?
I am tenacious, and I cannot not tolerate BS. I will call it out whenever I see it, especially in a form so flagrant that ignoring it would be like participating in a reenactment of "The Emperor's New Clothes."

*Question - How do you decompress after a stressful day?
I play piano. Once, after I returned home from teaching my daughter to drive, I overheard her having a phone conversation with her BFF. She said, "I can always tell how well or how poorly I've ever done on any given day of driving by how long my mom has to sit and play the piano when we get home." Then, she added, "And if I hear Tchaikovsky, I know I've done especially bad." [His pieces require a very visceral kind of touch on the keys, don'tcha know...]

*Question - What's your favorite quote?
I actually have two. The first is:
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, Courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, "I will try again tomorrow."

The second is:
Some stretch pants have no other choice.

*Question - What was the last thing that made you laugh?
This quote last week by one of my students (I keep little notebooks with me at every lesson I've ever taught, to record these kinds of treasures.):
Me: How tall do you want to be when you grow up?
Student (age 12): Tall enough to reach the high shelves...where the candy is.

*Question - When you were growing up, what did you think you were going to be when you were an adult?
A ballet dancer and an opera singer.

*Question - What's your dream job?
Exactly what I do: teaching voice, flute and piano lessons privately in people's homes. And prior to that, I was a dancer and choreographer, which were my dream jobs, as well.

*Question - What is your biggest goal in life?
To conduct myself and my life in ways that would have continued to make my father proud of me if he were still alive.

*Question - What makes you feel accomplished?
Watching my students master something difficult and seeing the pride alight in their eyes.

*Question - What's on your bucket list this year?
I actually don't have a bucket list. If there's something I want, I just go right after it then. I don't wait.

*Question - What would you do if you won the lottery?
I would help as many children as I could until the money ran out.

*Question - What has been your biggest accomplishment?
Being happily married to my sweet and handsome Bobby for sooooo many years.

*Question - What's the biggest lesson life has taught you?
You can learn as much from a bad example as you can a good one. You can learn what you will NEVER allow yourself to be.

*Question - If money wasn't an issue, what kind of business would you open up?
Money isn't an issue, and I love the business I have: being a self-employed voice, flute and piano teacher to seventy students a week.

*Question - What is your favorite memory?
Sitting with Bobby in the front row of a professional production of "Million Dollar Quartet" when my former student played the part of Jerry Lee Lewis. We got to soak up how the audience went WILD for him when it was over and he came out for his curtain call. It was absolutely electrifying because I'd known from his first lesson ever, when he was just six years old, that he was extraordinary and someday would be a star.

*Question - Do you easily accept compliments?
Yes, and the reason is because I consider them a gift that is being bestowed by someone who loves me or cares about me a lot. Think of how unfulfilling it would be to hand someone a physical gift only to hear them say, "Oh, no; no thank you. I really don't want this." Wouldn't that be just awful? And it's no different if someone bestows a compliment. If you eschew it or deflect it, that leaves them feeling rather stupid and embarrassed, and that's just not right. So, when someone compliments you, always take it to heart and treasure it as the act of love and generosity they intended.


Author Notes
I accepted Pam (respa)'s invitation after reading all her terrific answers to this quiz. If you'd like to indulge, as well, just go to Gypsy Blue Rose's portfolio, then to "Gypsy's Clubs" and choose Chapter 12, "Who Are you? Finding Your Muse Club." Copy and paste from her Author's Notes. Be sure to list it as "Non-fiction" and "Biographical." I hope to become acquainted with lots more members! xo

The photo I chose to display here is one from my thirtieth annual Recital two Junes ago. The girl in white who's doing a duet with me was one of my original fifteen students, from waaaaay back in 1991. Her daughters now take piano lessons from me, and she SOOOO generously agreed to honor me by performing with me. It was such a glorious moment in my teaching career.


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