- Friendsgivingby GWHARGIS
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Before or after Thanksgiving
Friendsgiving by GWHARGIS

Several Wednesdays a month I meet with my friends for lunch.  We used to meet to paint or do crafts.  When I was not feeling my artsy muse, I would read to them.
We are all different.  We click because of that. We value each other.  If I need encouragement, I will toss my idea out to my girls and they will help me talk it out.  My vision might change with their input and guidance, or it might become even grander.
Today, we hopped into the car, snacking on homemade cookies while we drove the two hour trip to Edenton, N. C.
Lunch is our love language.  We are happiest while eating, gabbing and just being together.
I brought up something that I knew would appeal to each of us.
"Why don't we do a Friendsgiving?"
"That sounds like fun."
"We could meet at my house and maybe do a craft or paint."
We discussed more details.  What kinds of food?  Hot or cold menu?  The week before or the week after Thanksgiving? 
As we chewed over the details of menu selections, I realized something.   We have Friendsgiving anytime we meet.  There is always food, always laughs, and always the warmth of friendship that brings us to whatever table we gather around.
No, we don't always announce what we are thankful for.  It's expressed in a look, a hug, a sarcastic comment.  We have a unique bond that goes beyond art.  It's having people who inspire you, encourage you, cry with you, laugh with you.  Hell, we've even planned a couple of murders over lunch, but by the time dessert is brought to the table, we have forgiven or forgotten our enemies.
Today, one of our group wasn't there, at least not physically.   But we had her in our hearts.  
Friendsgiving is an awesome idea.  Lucky for me, it happens several times a month.
And, though I don't say it as often as I should, I am forever thankful for my girls.


Author Notes
The topic of Friendsgiving came up and we are going to do an official one.


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