- Reprimand by GWHARGIS
This work has reached the exceptional level
Momma comes to call.
Miranda's Trouble In Paradise
: Reprimand by GWHARGIS

Miranda Jessup Buckley is back to solve the disappearance of Dougie Wilcox.

So far, Miranda has agreed to spy on Rita's husband. She feels like she was ambushed by Mitch into meeting a therapist. She likes Dr. Carrie Tate but is hurt by Mitch's deception.


While Mitch says goodbye to Dr. Tate, I excuse myself and step into the restroom. I splash some cold water on my face to stave off the anger I can feel building inside of me.

I love Mitch. I think he's probably one of the best things to ever happen to me. But this, this crossed the line. He went behind my back. And, even if he hadn't let on that she was there, this woman, doctor, total stranger was listening and watching me. And that's what makes me mad. I let my guard down.

My reflection clears her throat. "He did it because he cares about you. You went behind Aaron's back and brought in Mitch when he was trying to dive into Haynes Pond. You thought it was the right thing to do."

I snatch a paper towel off of the counter and blot my face. "It was the right thing to do. It was against the law."

"Miranda, you think you are always the smartest girl in the room," my reflection laughs.

I cock my eyebrow and straighten up. "In this situation, I am."

"Don't blow it with Mitch. He is a once in a lifetime guy. Just pout a little, let him ask for forgiveness and then get over it."

I look at myself. I'm not getting any younger. My reflection is right. Mitch is a catch. He's smart, handsome, a good and kind man. I'd be a fool to let him slip through my hands. But, he crossed the line. The line that I had clearly marked. I felt like a fool, an exposed fool. I've felt like this too many times before.

I draw in a deep breath and practice a winning smile in the mirror before stepping out of the safety of the ladies room.

"I know you're upset," Mitch says before I've fully cleared the threshold. "But, you liked her. Admit it. She's easy to talk to. She's not at all what you imagined, is she?"

I nod, my sharpened tongue suddenly seized with a case of paralysis.


I can't, for the life of me, bring myself to look at him.

"You're mad. Oh, crap. You're mad at me, aren't you?"

"You knew I didn't want to talk to anyone, yet you went and set up this whole clandestine thing. Tell me, Mitch, if I hadn't figured out something was going on, would you have made it seem like a coincidence that we ran into her here?"

"I'm worried. You shut down anytime someone says something about Missy and all that happened."

"I'm a big girl. I don't need a babysitter. You had no right to sic that therapist on me. No right."

His jaw clenches. "If the shoe was on the other foot, what would you have done?"

"I would have honored your wishes, Mitch. That's all. Because, in my book, being with the person you love, supporting them, that's what matters the most."

He pulls his keys from his pocket and brushes past me. "Guess we have different perspectives on what love means."

We ride in complete silence all the way back to my trailer. He hops out, opens my car door. There is no kiss, no mention of plans later in the week. Just a thanks for breakfast from me and a no problem from him.

My legs feel like lead as I climb the steps to my porch. I want to turn around and look back at him, but I can't take the look of disappointment on his face.

"See ya, Mitch," I call over my shoulder.

"Sure," he says, climbing back in his car and driving away.

I just said goodbye to the best man I've ever had in my life. And for what? My stupid pride.


Rita waves at me as I walk through the doors of the Little Eagle. I've still got my sunglasses on because my eyes are red from crying. I patted my face with witch hazel to get rid of the post crying puffiness but even Visine didn't cut through the redness in my eyes.

"How was your morning?" I ask.

"Fine. Had one rush but that was only for about twenty minutes. How was your morning?"

I pause, reach up and lower my glasses to allow her full visual of my eyes. "Not great."


"No. Mitch and I broke up."

Rita looks like a little girl who just found out there's no Santa Clause. "No. Y'all can't break up. Y'all are perfect together."

"Perfect is overrated."

"You cried?"

"Yes, Rita, I cried. I do occasionally shed a tear."

She nods but she still has a certain look of disbelief on her face. "I know every one cries, but you didn't even cry when all that craziness was happening with Missy and Ed. I'm just surprised."

"Okay. Let's just drop it. Has the beer inventory been done this week?" I ask. I need to focus on something.

"No. I can go do it, if you're too upset."

I reach for my vest and tuck the sunglasses into my purse. "I need something to do. Let me know when you want to take your lunch."

I pull the clipboard with the inventory sheet on it, off the nail in the wall and head for the coolers.

I start with Amsdel but by the time I get to Bud Lite, I'm a mess again.

"Dammit, Miranda, why didn't you forget your stupid pride and let it go? He's gone. You had one good man in your life and you threw him away."

The door to the cooler swings open. "You have a visitor," Rita calls out.

"Be right there," I say, wiping the back of my hand across my eyes.

Please let it be Mitch. Please, please, please be him.

But it isn't. It's that little old man, Mr. Starling.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Starling."

He starts to smile then notices my eyes and splotchy cheeks. "Oh, my, did someone die?"

For some reason, this strikes me as funny. "No sir. It's just one of those days."

"Well, I guess we all have a bad day now and again. I just wanted to stop in and thank you again for being so kind the other night. I'll be coming by on Friday to fill up."

"Ok, I'll see you on Friday."

Rita looks over and smiles as he slowly makes his way to the door.

"Mr. Starling," I call out. "Thank you for the flowers."

He smiles and nods before disappearing out the door.

"He's got a weird aura," Rita says. He smile fades as she looks back at me. "Somethings off with that one."

"Rita, he's one hundred and one years old. How off can he be? "

She shrugs, "It's just a feeling."

I don't really believe in that whole aura or colors thing, but now that she's mentioned it, Mr. Starling is definitely not as he appears.



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