Her boyfriend she felt was her soul mate.
She met him last year on a blind date.
He lied, cheated on her left scars on her face
And treated her like she was a disgrace.
She lost respect for him and felt she must
Leave him for she had lost his trust.
She had been there for him; they had fun.
After he hurt her, she was tempted to run.
She wondered why he chose to cause her pain
Not only once but over and over again.
She felt alone, unloved, and was losing hope,
And was losing the battle of trying to cope.
Satan tried to get her to think she was no good.
She often went days without eating food.
Would her broken heart ever mend?
She desperately needed more than one friend.
Many times she had to cry.
She even had thoughts about wanting to die.
The pain she felt was very deep and real.
It would take a long time for her to heal.