- God, do you have a moment?by zanya
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Dear God
Tales of our Times
: God, do you have a moment? by zanya
Dear God contest entry

Oops! Not sure I should be so casual in my greeting.

Anyway, I have one pressing concern I want to air with you, God.

Where are we going with AI ? Yes, that’s right. Our very latest new toy, created and fostered by us humans and hailed as one of the most significant developments since the Industrial Revolution is now moving faster than we can handle.

We’ve long since had a ‘taste’ of Alexa and her buddies and all the assistance she can provide to tell us about the weather forecast, stock exchange, election results.

Though Alexa has been around for such a short time, in the scheme of things, she is almost obsolete, so fast is this technology developing.

 AI and its army is on the move towards writing College assignments that are indistinguishable from those written by humans. Some would say they surpass human effort.

AI and its algorithms are  everywhere in our lives, banking, traffic control systems, on line shopping.

Really my question for you, God, and I can’t seem to find an answer anywhere else is, now that AI  is on the  cusp of being sentient what happens next?

A sentient AI. Will it exhibit the whole range of human emotion, anger, joy, sadness and everything else in between? How will we humans handle the anger of a machine? How will we know when it's angry? Will it rattle its various gears or  stomp its mechanical foot, if it has one? When its sad will it shed some smart tears? What chemical will those tears contain?

How will we know when it’s happy? Will it extend its cold, mechanical arm towards us to give us a hug or program a smile on its titanium features?

What if AI becomes so irritated with our slow, unpredictable human behaviours and wants to get rid of us altogether? Will it stage a mechanical coup? What would be its most powerful weapon against us?

These musings may seem far-fetched to some people. But truth to tell AI Is moving a lot faster than we are able to keep pace.

 I’ve searched(Googled!) the Bible and Scriptures and have not found anything that remotely resembles a reference to AI. Was it in your game plan during those seven days when you created the Universe?

Airing these worries in your presence, God, helps a little. Maybe you’re proud of the humans you’ve created and what they can achieve.

God, truth to tell, it all feels a bit scary.







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