- The Division by Miriam Perez
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being divided
The Division by Miriam Perez
Write A Rant contest entry


The world is changing and it’s not looking good. Why are so many people divided in so many ways. Greed, Politics, ideology, frame, entitlement, hate, and religion. Why is it so hard for people to agree and disagree without being forced to choose. None of us fully agree on every subject. But that’s a gift we are given in certain circumstances. There is a reason why we have a scale for good and evil. The scale is tipping and not for the right reasons.

Who has the right to convert someone else’s way of thinking. We all wanted success and to be loved by those around us. But, why force them to give us love and success. Entitled people are the poison that we do not need. Those people are forcing society to give up their dreams and goals because they wanted them for themselves. Which falls in the subject of greed. Why do some people feel greed is the answer. People seem to forget that what goes up must come down. So, devising a plan to get rid of or hurt someone in the name of greed will only be a nail in their own coffin.

Politicians are losing their way. It is becoming more and more evident they are forgetting their place. Their power of control is becoming more toxic as the years go by. What is governing to them, taking food and resources from citizens, and giving it to foreign nations for their own benefits. Yet our country struggles to pay bills and we pray our light doesn’t go out every night.  It is sad to see and hear of the divided parties can’t make a humane decision to protect their own people. Yet they have banquets and parties to celebrate their own successes.

Ideology has been another unnecessary struggle. Professionals are convincing others with weak minds into beleiving something they’re not. It is a horrible game to play with people who suffer from mental health problems. It’s a cocktail of emotional disaster. Our youth are being coached to address pronouns differently and some parents are riding along on the delusion train. And the sad thing is, it boils down to money for the healthcare system. Millions of dollars are being distributed on backs of the mentally ill.

Fame, it cannot be any clearer. Fame can mean success, or it could mean doing the devil’s biting. Many famous people have come out of the woodworks to share their stories on how difficult it was for them to become famous. And the people who exploit their talents for their own deceitful needs. As a child I thought becoming famous was a good thing. But I came to realize it is a position of pressure and demand. Being idealized by many people can damage others self-esteem. And play a role in a young mind. Believing if they were beautiful and talented it would change their lives for the better. But, behind closed doors there are many hidden secrets that people aren’t aware of. It can destroy you mentally, make you believe that other people with fame and money are better than you. Questioning why you weren’t like them beautiful or talented as you see on TV or music videos.

Entitlement is a mental illness that needs to be address in an amble manner.  Too many people are taking it upon themselves to enforce their beliefs in others and destroying the rights of others. From vital videos to awkward encounters where people are just living their lives. Entitled people seemed to hate happiness and free will. They’re like demon children who only want it their way and no one else’s. To find middle ground for entitled people is like trying to give your child a vaccine shot at the doctor’s office. They aren’t going through with it.

Hate is a strong word as told by many.  But why are people so hung up on the color of someone’s skin or the way certain people dress. Who in this world gives the ok to discriminate some one just because they are alive. No one has the right to call other people names and taunt some because they are different than you. It is a behavior that should never be exposed in public or anywhere in this world.  No one in this world should be proud of their hateful ways. Even just a nasty review on social media page is immature and tasteless. But again, it is part of the balance of good and evil.

Religion has become disfigured; it is starting to affect the souls and beliefs of others. Over the years people have tried to debunk or redirect some of the scriptures that were written thousands ago. People who don’t truly understand God are fighting to disproof God’s teaching. Some People are evening pushing unholy facts about religion which are steering people further away from it. Now we see why people are becoming more unhinged and running with evil just to feel satisfaction. Just to throw in faces of religious leaders.

In conclusion I have written these statements to open the eyes of the blind. I personally to not have a religious label, but I do have a personal relationship with God and Jesus. I’ve had personal experiences which led to his love and his guidance to me to the truth about our true purpose in life. Learn, love and be respectful to others. Even if their choices don’t add to yours. We all must remember we are not here to please ourselves. We are here to help others and guide them in the right direction. Good and Evil will always exist, but it is up to us to find commend ground. God gave us the freedom of choice and our choices that will affect tomorrow’s fate.

 " I Feel Better now"

                                                                                  Written by Miriam Perez


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