- The painted rocksby Wendy G
This work has reached the exceptional level
Their stories ....
The painted rocks by Wendy G

On Wednesday we set out on another lengthy road trip to visit my elderly mother and my other siblings  – but this time we chose a different route, along the coast rather than inland.

Our first night was to be spent in a beautiful seaside town; after driving all day we decided to take an evening stroll along the beach. This led to the estuary of a river which had a breakwall made of boulders.

The full length of the coastal walk was nine kilometres, and at various times of the year one could observe dolphins playing in the river and humpback whales cavorting in the ocean. It’s a beautiful place. We were in the right season, but arrived too late in the afternoon to experience those spectacles. 

However, we were intrigued by the seawall constructed with boulders – because they were painted, and quite amazing! Locals, visitors, and international tourists had all contributed with artwork and messages of love and goodwill.

There were paintings with tributes and memorials to departed much-loved family members, beloved Nans and Grandpas, and pets.  

One memorial painting was for a fourteen-year-old boy who was “lost at sea”. Drowned? Taken by a shark? We don’t know, but we know his loved ones miss him greatly. His name will be seen by thousands – he won’t be forgotten.

As we strolled along, we became increasingly touched and moved.  Not all the paintings were memorials – some were recording family holidays, falling in love, engagements, marriages.

Some were from international exchange students, one of whom admitted that saying goodbye at the end of her time here was a little like mourning. Others depicted images of Australian wildlife or floral emblems.

Some were encouraging comments, trying to help others along this journey of life. One stunning painting urged the viewer to consider: "You might be the lighthouse in someone else's storm.” Another reminded us to "Enjoy the journey".

All were snippets of life, insights into beautiful experiences and memories. They reinforced the truth that love and kindness matter. That our relationships are important. People matter. Pets matter.

The breakwater was uplifting and compassionate, a reminder of the preciousness and value of life itself.

As we walked, pondering the time and effort that had gone into each artwork, I was thankful. Thankful for this initiative of the local council, thankful for the number of contributors – thousands, maybe tens of thousands – for the breakwater stretched into the distance, far beyond our ability to keep walking. The sun was setting over the river, and the rocks were shining with the reflected light of a magnificent sunset. But it would soon be dark, so it was time to retrace our steps.

How I wished I knew more about each story, the story of each pet and its endearing personality, what each Nan and Grandpa had shared to make them so beloved, what stories had been passed through the generations. I wondered about their family celebrations and customs, family jokes …. Nothing was inconsequential. These were snapshots of people's lives. 

Another thing which struck me was the colour, variety, and excellence of the artwork on the painted rocks.

There was not a single rude word, no unkind comments, no negatives of any kind, no anger, no bitterness, nothing hurtful or divisive.

Seeing this “graffiti” was a moving and meaningful experience. It was a pleasure to see how many others were equally engrossed, pausing to read and reflect.

On the other side of the path was a large beachside park, where young people were enjoying a skate park, rollerblading, jogging, riding bikes and scooters, walking, talking, laughing, and playing. Life seemed full and rich. Healthy, and good. Perhaps the messages of the rocks reach into our inner core, bringing balance, perspective, and peace.

No mobile phones to be seen. Except for mine, as I took a few photos of the rocks, trying to capture some memories.

The sunset was glorious through to its grand finale, the river reflecting the orange, gold and pink colours. Night fell swiftly.

A wonderful end to the day.


Author Notes
More information and some lovely photos can be found at


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