- Scene at a Third Party 12by Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
a scene with Pons and Ned
Scenes at a Third Party
: Scene at a Third Party 12 by Bill Schott

Zora Abebe = Presidential hopeful
Skar  = Pons' clone and Vice Presidential hopeful (with Zora)
Pons Maninoff = keeping Skar on a short leash 
MauMau= Zora's campaign manager
AB  (Abracada Brah)  = Zora's Dirty Tricks Coordinator
LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopefulj
Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)
GED:  = Ned's clone
Betty: = LorDee's campaign manager
AA  (Abecedari Ann)  = LorDee's Third Party Poet Laureate 
Previously, Pons stepped up to coordinate other states, while MauMau concentrated on media exposure.  Ned and Betty Biggins have grown closer, but Ned has been pulled into a dead zone by DED *(script Ned and DED).  Skar threw AB in the trunk and went joyriding in the HOV lane with the Big Boy character statue. Pons and AA have grown closer, as Zora is working to get GED to take Ned's place as VP.
The scene opens with Skar, AB, and Big Boy in the back seat of the county sheriff's car.  
Skar  : (to BigBoy) This is another fine mess you've gotten me into. 
BB: (Skar speaking for the statue) I am still just a beautiful porcelain statue.
AB  : Are you speaking to me?
Skar  Did I begin by screaming your name and spitting?
Meanwhile, in the front seat of Pons' car.
Pons : I've got your gum.
AANo, I was just clearing my throat.
Meanwhile, in the front seat of GED's car.
Zora : You kiss like an amateur.
GEDI feel like I'm kissing a lamprey. 
Zora : Do you gargle with garlic?
GEDOnly before sucking face with a vampire.
Meanwhile, on the left side of the campaign center.
Betty: (to MauMau) Have you seen Ned?
MauMau: I thought I saw him step around the corner over there, but he isn't there now.
LorDee (stepping up) Do we have all fifty states onboard yet?
Betty: Yes, Your Highness.
MauMau: Wait! Did you just call her Your Highness?
LorDee  Does that threaten you, MauMau?
MauMau: No -- her highness.
Betty: It's not what you think, MauMau. We're close friends. It's a kind of joke between us.
LorDee  Actually, MauMau is the joke between us. 
Meanwhile, on the right side of the campaign center. D-red is on a burner phone.
D-red: (on the phone) Hey, DED! Guess what. I have a new power. I can make people feel irriatated with each other.
Meanwhile, appearing at the center, Ned wanders in from the darkness.
To be continued...


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