- The Accidentby Roxanna Andrews
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Things did fly
The Accident by Roxanna Andrews
True Story Flash contest entry

Sitting at a light one Sunday morning coming home from church, my car was hit from behind by a texting driver. My sister was with me and at the time she was undergoing chemo for breast cancer.
Once I realized what had happened I looked over to see if she was okay. We had been hit with such force it had knocked her wig off.
Her little bald head was shining in the sunlight, the wispy hairs blowing in the breeze. Her wig had landed in the backseat right next to my glasses. I wondered why everything looked so fuzzy.

Author Notes
My sister has fully recovered, both from losing her wig and cancer. My sister never let me see her without her wig let alone tons of people at the accident. It was a chain reaction, there were 5 cars involved. No one hurt, just badly bruised by our legs hitting the dash and the seatbelt. This story of my sis out talking to everyone wigless has been told many times. She had no idea her wig was gone, how she couldn't feel it I don't know. I told her before she got out of the car but I think she was so rattled by the crash she didn't hear me. I have written a poem about it and we laugh to this day. We are so weird.


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