- Thank Youby Douglas Goff
This work has reached the exceptional level
My first year.
Thank You by Douglas Goff
Story of the Month contest entry

At twelve years old, I started entertaining my friends with written tales presenting us as heroic American marines fighting Nazi's and Japanese in far away fantastical settings. It wasn't Marvel level writing, but more Bazooka Joe.

Fast forward to the ripe age of 22 and a couple of things happened. I was honorably discharged from the US Marines and started writing. Two months later I was published in the South Bend Tribune for a piece called "Where's Abe?" and was subsequently offered a spot in the advanced writing program at Indiana University. I was on my way!

Funny thing about life; human plans are fickle. My other dream exploded into reality around the same time. I was offered a position in one of the alphabet soup federal agencies and started my professional career in law enforcement.

During that stint, I attended National University and while taking an advanced English class, the professor told me I was meant to be a writer. He advised me that he himself was a published author and offered to co-write a book with me. I was too busy chasing 'bad guys' and failed to realize what an honor, and opportunity he was offering me.

So, let's fast forward again to August of 2022. I had retired from my agency, yet was still working in various arenas of security and protection. I spent a lifetime dealing with bad guys, serving others, and protecting the country. To be quite honest, at 53, I was burnt-out and wanted something new, so I decided to revisit writing.

I joined Fanstory and a year later, I sit here reflecting on my journey. And what a journey it has been! For me, this site has been about learning. I have taken all of the advice, criticism, and reviews to learn from YOU!

Although it's fun to follow the rankings and exciting to win, I don't worry about those things too much. (Besides, they oddly make me nervous.) I just write and write and then write some more.

Not that the wins haven't come. I have surprisingly won contests for the following works:

Midnight Express
Magnum PI Was My Dad
I Haven't A Clue
Old Iron Box
Eternal Darkness
Bon Voyage
House on Galbraith Line
Silly Seven
Unexpected Guest
USMC Recruit Depot
Class In Session
The Writer
Rush Hour
A Moment in Time...
Poor Ned
The Moment Time Stopped
Controlled Chaos
Innocence Lost
Lesson Learned

I find it interesting that many pieces I had thought were winners did not place at all, while others that I thought were subpar have gone on to win or place. My most highest rated piece on here, 'Bound By Our Sins', did not win. Perhaps this is the nature of writing?

One year ago today, on September 2nd, I placed my first piece of work on FS. It was a poem called True Beauty. Lyenochka was my first reviewer and corrected my piece that day and lovingly continues to do so a year later. This writing is my 370th submission (that includes book chapters and non-contest pieces). Out of the 370, my favorites are:

Fiction: Lost At Sea (Didn't place)
Non-Fiction: Magnum PI Was My Dad (Follow-up piece Fanstory Group Hug)
Poem : Broken (Didn't place but was published elsewhere)
Book: Implantation (Low Reviews)

Other works of mine that I really liked were:

I Haven't A Clue
Old Iron Box
Eternal Darkness
The Moment Time Stopped
Challenge Accepted
Bound By Our Sins
A Very Real Conversation
Do You Believe in Monsters?
The Summer We All Grew Up
Krasner Christmas (I still laugh every time I read this one)

I've also used the site to tribute a few people that mean a lot to me, like my mother, grandfather, my friend Becky, another friend killed in the line of duty, veterans, and Elvis.

The curse of the newbies has struck me numerous times. There are sites where a three star is the standard rating and I have been three starred and even two starred by newbies. This upset me at first, then I realized they just don't understand the format here. I even got hit on a piece after it had won a contest. Another time, one fella gave me a three star rating, explaining that he was upset because the Border Patrol wouldn't arrest Santa Claus, proving once again that life is stranger than fiction. Alrighty then.

I love to read and find myself enjoying reviewing more and more, when time permits. I will admit that I only review about one in five posts that I read on here. It isn't award related, I just dont review a piece if I think it isn't four star or better work. I'm not good with negatively impacting anybody's dream. I also skip the review if I don't agree with the author's premises or opinion. The final reason I skip is if I can't improve upon it and it just didn't strike a chord with me.

I believe I was in the top ten for reviewing at one point and have met with some success:

October 2022 Recognized Reviewer
November 2022 #1 Reviewer
May 2023 #3 Reviewer

I have made numerous friends on FS. I'm going to give a couple of shout-outs to some well-deserved people.

I love Doc Ricky, because he has suffered much evil and is triumphing in the end, while still praising God throughout his journey. In my opinion, he's someone to be looked up to and respected.

The poems of Dolly, Royowen, Shelley Kaye, and Poems OfDD always soothe my unsettled mind.

Jannypan's strong love of veterans and touching tributes meant a lot to me.

I give Raul1 an A+ for effort. That kid has a lot of heart.

Susan Newell, Barbara Wilkey, and Faith Williams took me under their wings from the very start and straightened me out quickly with numerous subliminal knuckle-wrappings that were well-deserved from my horrendous self-editing. Without my 'wing-women' guiding me, I would still be a mess, lost in a sea of jumbled letters, tiny fonts, puke colored backgrounds, commas, and periods.

CrystieCookie999, Barbara Peabody Pouliet, Dr. Von, JTtraveler, John Ciarmello, LJbutterfly, and papa55mike are some of the kindest people I have ever met online.

Tom Horonzy, Thomas Blanks, JMDG1954, JSD, and Wayne Fowler are some fellas that I would love to have a drink with one day.

Country Ranch Writer, Kerry Robinson, Liz O'Neill, Debbie D'Arcy, Sally Law, Sandra Nelms-Ludwig, Beth Shelby, Karen Cherry Threadgill, and Pam Longsdale have been heartwarmingly supportive of my efforts.

I've grown to appreciate the honest critiques of Carol Hillebrenner, Prettybluebirds, Mario Pierre, and Ulla.

I fancy the writing styles of GWHARGIS, Wendy G, Debra Pick Marquette, MissMerri, and Annmuma.

I love the sharp wits of Jessizero, Jim Wile, and Bill Schott who have made me belly laugh on several occasions.

I enjoy the spicy poetry of Tempeste, Gypsy Blue Rose, and Kaiku and love checking in to see what shenanigans they are up to.
And shame on me for forgetting to mention Karenina who has taken the time and effort to congratulate me on every ribbon that I have received.  That is a tribute to her strong character.  

I have several favorite authors on this site, including several mentioned above, but the prose of Terry Broxson really tickles me. His mind is like a maze. You might slip in fairly easily, but you aren't getting out without an emotional struggle. I'm so glad he still posts periodically.

Finally, I personally believe that Harambeforpresident chose the absolute best name for the entire site.

If I missed you please, please, please take no offense. There are so many who have positively impacted my writing here and it's hard to cover all bases.

Fanstory has been my proving ground, where I bounce my projects off fellow writers. It has led me to great success in other arenas. I have been published nine times in the last year (short stories and a poem) and have won $3,250 in contests (real money). I was also interviewed on a SNHU internet show for one of my works and got to answer audience questions as a new and upcoming writer. It was awesome!

A strong testimonial for Fanstory is that I knew nobody on this site, nor anyone in the company when I joined and yet I have met with great success. That is a tribute to the overall authenticity of the company's goals and mission.

So, this is a thank you to the group. When I started, I was a mess with there/thier/they're and ly/lay and further/farther etc. Also, I used up all my lifetime quotas of the word "that" in every piece. (Thanks, Barbara for finding them.) I truly believe that without this site and all of you, I would not have met with success.

Unfortunately, I'm still a knucklehead. I am still learning and need lots of guidance and assistance from you folks. Break out those red pens.

So that's my first year recap. This site has been awesome for me and not only fine-tuned my writing, but has changed my perspective on my work from negative to positive, while helping me to work out some personal issues I had been harboring. I'm excited to see what year two brings! I appreciate each and everyone of you and am proud to call myself a Fanstorian. Thank you!


Author Notes
I didn't put this in a contest (and I contest everything) because I wanted you to know I am sincere.

Also, I would have liked to ask permission to mention people by name, but the date snuck up on me and I did not have time. My apologies.


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