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Cry Baby
by tempeste 2-5-2 writing prompt entry
frowns and settles for
fake crown
Writing Prompt
Write a 2-5-2 syllable poem. It has three lines. The first line has 2 syllable, the second one 5 syllables and the last line 2 syllable. The subject can be anything.
Author Notes
Top part of the head is referred to as the crown.. it is often subject to thinning both in male and females.
Any empathy I may have had for Harry has gone.... all this hate towards his family stems from the fact that he would never be crowned King, especially after his brother married and had kids.
I read that once he mocked his brother's lose of hair least William has accepted it with grace.
The pic on the left, where Harry sports a crown covered with hair, was taken 10/12 days before the one on the right..... obviously, the photo on the left is fake, photoshopped.
I would have vetoed such a photo and posed without any fake hair.