- Feeling Bitter Sweetby Michelle D. Carr
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A common theme in human nature
: Feeling Bitter Sweet by Michelle D. Carr
Write a 5-7-5 Haiku Suite writing prompt entry

wanting joy within

seeing photos from the past

feeling bitter-sweet


wanting peace within

seeing films of days gone by

feeling bitter-sweet


wanting strength within

seeing friends from long ago

feeling bitter-sweet


Writing Prompt
In this this haiku suite, the final 5-syllabe line
, (satori) in each haiku must be the same. For example read my haiku suite "Just a Little Rain"

sudden burst of wind
scatters the cherry blossoms
just a little rain

Geisha's umbrella
catches petals in the breeze
just a little rain

old woman cries as
pink showers evoke the past
just a little rain

Normally a haiku is nature related but feel free to choose your own topic.


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