- Penmanshipby Barry Penfold
This work has reached the exceptional level
When writing looked beautiful
Penmanship by Barry Penfold
Rhyme It writing prompt entry
Artwork by meg119 at

The other day, I paid a visit
To our local library
They had an exhibition there
Of local history.
Some items of great interest
That fascinated me
Were the many books of country life 
And how things used to be.
The careful entries in the books 
Penned with a flowing hand
When writing was a work of art 
And for all to understand.
The loving hands that held the quill
Were much more gracious then
How very different things are now 
The scrawl, the ball point pen. 
The great demand on speed and time 
leaves penmanship behind
So the upstroke and the downstroke 
Will be lost to all mankind.
The world, the times we live in
Left me in no doubt
That scribbling is in order
And Penmanship is out.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type on any topic. But there must be a rhyme scheme.

Author Notes
I come from a time when the writing of a word was a skill in itself.


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