- Rock Pile Rascalby Debi Pick Marquette
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True story in a poem
Rock Pile Rascal by Debi Pick Marquette
Rhyme It writing prompt entry

So many years ago when our children were very small
We asked their daddy for a dog, he said no to us all 

He also said they were too young to take care of a pet
With he and I both working out, we were not ready yet

Before my hubby plows, he has to pick and dig up rocks
He uses a big tractor, some weigh more than cement blocks

He dumped some in a rock pile, that he keeps on adding to
‘Twas last job of the weekend, now some rest was overdue 

A week later when he went back, to dig and dump some more
He heard a little whimpering, from under the rock floor

Instead of dumping more he started digging in to find
He knew an animal was there, but did not know what kind

A couple hours later, the last big one he picked up
Was by a hole between some rocks, where he found a small pup

So carefully he held it but, the pup started to shake
No food or water for a week, now this dad's heart would break

He wrapped it in a blanket, brought it home and gave it milk
He nursed it back to health, bathed it and it's fur looked like silk

The kids, my mom and I were gone for two weeks out of state
We were excited to get home, so we could hardly wait

We walked into the house and we could not believe our eyes
Their dad was holding a puppy; he smiled he said "Surprise!!"

He said this little rascal must have hidden from the rain
He could not find the owners, so he did what was humane

Our Rascal was a good dog; he protected all of us 
One day when theirs had broken down, school sent a different bus

He knew this one was not their bus, so it should just be gone   
He stood in front of the bus door and would not let them on

Then I went out to make this hero dog start to obey 
He barked a scold at me, cause that bus took his kids away

He was an Irish Setter, but he was completely black 
He may have been rescued that day, but he rescued us back

He grew up with the kids, and he was with us for twelve years
And when he died, our hearts did too, but dad shed the most tears


Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type on any topic. But there must be a rhyme scheme.



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