- Stan Goes Back In Timeby Raul1
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Stan narrates
Stan Goes Back In Time by Raul1
50 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry

If I could return to the past, I would solve my problems. But time travel is only possible sometimes. I will tell myself to gain self-confidence.
I would teach my bullies a lesson. They won't bother me anymore. I will go back to the present knowing I never had problems.

Writing Prompt
Write a story that is a dribble. That's 50 words. Title not included in count.

Author Notes
Stan goes back in time to solve his problems of being bullied in school. He teaches himself to stand up to them. He gains self-confidence in having friends. He changes his mistakes of not bothering anyone again. He called them names, pushed classmates and it was the reason why he had bullies. He changed onto a good man. Stan goes back in time knowing he never had problems.


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