Spring has come, that's plain to see
I love it, but it doesn't love me
The sun is shining very bright
Until eight o'clock at night
I want to go outside and sit
To rest and soak up sun a bit
Alas, I can't, and here is why
My eyes will soon begin to "cry"
It is already ninety degrees
I step outside and start to sneeze
My nose will run and soon I need
To find a tissue with great speed
I can't breath through my poor nose
Can't even smell a pretty rose
I would love to go and swim
But that thought is just a whim
Can't go sit out on a boat
I have soreness in my throat
When I decide to take a chance
Away from wasps and bees I dance
Oh, heck, I'm going to sit in the sun
And with that my poem is done
Writing Prompt |
Write a poem about how spring affects you. It can be humorous, inspirational, romantic - whatever you feel as springtime returns. |
Author Notes
Ever since the seasons changed I have been fighting sinus infection after sinus infection. I am SO tired of being sick!