My mother
Was an original
One of a kind person.
There was a world
according to Mary
And that was that.
Once when I was a child
I bought her a mother’s day gift
She said
Don’t be fooled by the corporations.
Mother’s Day and Father’s Days
Are nothing but a scam to get you
To buy things
It is all a big corporate scam
Don’t buy into the scam
So please no more
Mother’s day gifts
For me.
Same thing with Halloween,
Valentine’s day
Easter, And birthdays.
Christmas is different
as is Thanksgiving
and we did have a traditional feast
on those days.
and we did treat or treating
on Halloween
even though she thought,
that holiday was a scam
created by the big candy companies.
From that point on
I never bought her
A mother’s day gift.
But I did call her
On Mother’s day.
She said
I should call anytime
For every day
Is mother’s day for her.
Don’t need no corporate
BS holiday.