- Newfound Friends by pookietoo
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They were all different.
Newfound Friends by pookietoo
Write A Modern Fable writing prompt entry

Geraldine the giraffe was born without spots. All of her giraffe friends laughed at her. She asked her parents why she was different, and they didn't know. She wanted to find some animals that were different like she was. She found a bullfrog named Jeremiah that couldn't jump as far as other well they could jump three feet, he could only jump a foot. They saw a beautiful tan dog named Daisy that could not bark and had no tail. She could not show her happiness like other dogs do by wagging their tail.
The animals rested for the night. They saw an elephant named Ellie that had no trunk and felt  sad for her. I know she could not survive without it. Then they came across a monkey named Mikey that could not swing in a tree. Katie the kangaroo was sad because she had no pouch to carry her baby. They found Leo the lion. He couldn't roar and was smaller than a regular lion. He was timid and was afraid to hunt like other lions do. They saw a turkey urkey named Tom that said "cock-a-doodle-doo" like a rooster, a rooster named Rita that gobbled like a turkey, and a cow named Clara that said "baaa" instead of "moo." They saw a pig named Petunia they always laughed and could not say "oink" and a wolf named Wylie that could not howl. A blue bird tried to fly and sing but could not.
These animals became best friends. They learned to love and accept themselves for who they were. They didn't care about what other animals thought about them.
And the moral of the story is we all need to accept our differences and not judge others for being different.

Writing Prompt
Write a short fable-like story where the last sentence starts with: "And the moral of the story is". This can be on any subject, true or fictional, and can be in any voice, as long as the moral is stated in the last line. A new twist on an old fable is also allowed. Be creative and have fun! Maximum word count: 300.

Author Notes
293 words


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