- Gethsemane by pookietoo
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Jesus suffered there.
Gethsemane by pookietoo
Bible Acrostic writing prompt entry

Greatly our Savior suffered, this I know.
Everyone has some trials to learn and grow.
Truly he atoned for the sins of all mankind;
Healed the sick, the deaf and the blind.
Son of God is our friend and older brother.
Each of us knows he taught us to love one another.
Miracles he performed, calmed the raging sea.
Almighty died on the cross in Calvary.
Notices us, and he knows our pain.
Each of us knows he wants us to live with him again.

Writing Prompt
Write an acrostic poem about faith. Any word may be used. An acrostic spells out the chosen word going down.


    B elieve
    I n
    B ringing
    L ife
    E xclusively


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