Follows with Another Amazing And Incredible Journey Entitled,
"Giftong My Life for You"
"Nourishing Factors"
Written on April 21st, 2023
By Doctor Ricky1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
As I travel on my way.
On this very early April day.
I can see the April's shine.
Yes, and all God's many Gifts.
Gifts So, So, Devine.
The Blooming of His many Magnolia and Cherry blossoms.
The Early emergence of the Yellowed Daffodils and the Tulips in multi-hues.
Yes, soon to follow.
Hollow tis the Broken Heart of this Writing Latter-day Saint Priest.
(To say the least)
But I'll be okay on this Warming Day.
For yes!
I now realize God's many offerings for all to see!
Fresh Air and pure Waters abound and confound me!
They Cleanse and Purge my Soul for Life sometimes presents a most HORRIBLE Toll.
I am truly being fulfilled in God's Nourishing Factors.
Yes, as I breathe in and out.
Out and in.
Truly the Best Things in Life.
Family, God, Good Health, and company.
Yes, church and Family indeed.
All Nourishing Factors to me.
Author Notes
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Amazing Artist and Talented Writer, -cleo85'
Cleo's Incredible Picture Entitled,