Follows with another Amazing and Incredible Journey Entitled,
"Bankrupt Me?"
"Cancerous Predators!"
Written on April 19th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright �©ï¸? Fanstory.
'All Rights Reserved'
Camp Lejeune disease.
They're well did you drink from the water of their well?
Now because of the cancer does your brain swell?
Firefighters firefighting foam?
Note: Caution causes many cancers! (didn't you know?
Do you have a fire?
Then have your local fireman put it out because if you don't?
Cough, Cough, Cough all the way to the coffin!
Hernia mesh infections like me? Infected inner stitches causing you pain and misery?
And then get your wagon and hitch!
Now cowboy do you have a lot of pus?
Like me and a red swelling?
Perhaps there's something evil dwelling?
Well, if you insist and if you must from the two years of pus?
Well then how about a squeeze of My Reality?
Married to Leggett Myers, RJR Reynolds, and Mr Philip Morris?
Of course, but please get a divorce!
Hey they want you to buy their tobacco products!
Which grows not in a forest but in the state of Virginia!
Don't you know that Virginia Beach is for Lovers!
Cough, Cough, Choked and eventually Cloaked in a Should.
Now are the Three big boys upset or proud?
And, you victims are you now kinda feeling raspy and awaiting death?
Fighting now unfortunately for your very last breath?
Covid -19 Pandemic Variant Number 2. And, like me?
Did you once have this as I did and do?
Death by Self -Consumption!
Now that's a thought and what a way to go?
Are you feeling kind of blue?
And, don't know quite yet what to do?
Lawyers and doctors?
Well, they definitely are not coughing but choking!
Yes, but Choking on all the money all the way to your bank!
Now what a pathetic and Sorried World of Sin we live in?
Author Notes
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
Lynnkah's Incredible Picture Entitled, "Are They Out There?"