- Seasons of Faith - VIby JLR
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Poem 18
Seasons of Change
: Seasons of Faith - VI by JLR
Artwork by willie at

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths". Proverbs 3:5-6

Seasons of Faith   VI

With Spring every year, I re-affirm my reason,
to believe there is a God, while I never see Him.
But this I know~ the new leaves on oak branches glow
from the warm sun rays shimmering on all below.
Sound of a babbling brook, the songs of birds on wings,
instills my trust in the Lord, and with all my heart, I sing.

Whenever the shadows have fallen on my soul,
over the strife of life that no man can console
or my troubled mind held in the woes of sorrow,
that's felt so deeply, a dull ache in my marrow,
the voluminous agony felt from the loss
of every single loved one who has gone across,
or when the body fails and doctors caring words
strikes fear, and you feel your heart slow by two-thirds.
All these reasons, and much more, across every season,
brings to mind that abandoning God would be treason.

As I enter the winter of this lifetime
I praise His Glory each day, as my lifeline.
For I have known the change that comes with His Grace
during the worst events of the human race.
Know that His ever-lasting promise of steadfastness
is Love, given to everything; in all its vastness.

When even seeing the painful dark side of life
that which is raw, where there is far too much strife,
people broken and hopeless quake, bathed in sadness...
suffering beyond all human understanding, this madness.

It is at these times that I must re-double
my grasp of Faith and question, not the trouble,
that simply passes all human understanding.
But, trust in God, every trial notwithstanding.

By knowing and trusting with every beat of my heart
God will make straight my path, if and when I do my part!

Author Notes
Poem 18 NAPoWriMo contest

Ryming poem

Thank you for the use of Gods handiwork by willie on


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