Follows with Another Amazing and Incredible Journey Entitled,
"Puppeting His Life Away"
"Sustaining Grace"
Written on April 15th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright ©� Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Gracefully he now goes following and chasing Beautiful Rainbows.
From here first, then to over there.
Doesn't seem to have a care?
Now understand?
He's traveling his own way, each and every day.
Yes, doesn't seem to matter much to he?
He's out and about just looking to see!
See all that God hath presented to be.
Now, he has no name and can barely hear not.
His only interests have been got!
For hes a By-product of my Reality.
Chasing his Beautiful Rainbows in the morning Sun.
And, only then when the Sun doth fades.
Does he realize his day is almost done.
And yes!
He finally shall cometh to rest.
Rest in the Crest of his own Very, Very, Special, Place.
Among God's many flowers the nectar he shalleth taste!
"Sustaining *Grace"
Author Notes
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'eileen0204'
Eileen's Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Early Halloween"