- Deathby pookietoo
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It is hard
Death by pookietoo
Feelings writing prompt entry

We're never ready to say good-bye
To someone we love who has just died.
We should remember the life they lived.
If they have hurt us, we should forgive.

It will be hard, but try to be strong.
If you're alone, you will get along.
Remember it will take time to heal.
Jesus and God know just how you feel.

It is okay to be mad and cry
Although you don't know why your spouse died.
They're healthy, then have a heart attack.
Sometimes you wish you could have them back.

Allow yourself not to feel too low.
Grieve for awhile, then you must let go.
Speak to your loved one; your words they'll hear.
There are times you'll feel their presence near.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem sharing an emotional feeling about something such as: life, death, war, injustice, marriage,loneliness, loss, hope, laughter, or a subject that might not be listed. Express an emotion such as fear, anxiety, love, hate, disgust, indifference, etc.


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