- Seasons of Love and Marriage - 6by JLR
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Seasons of Change
: Seasons of Love and Marriage - 6 by JLR

 Seasons of Love and Marriage


I look into the mirror, and my head shakes.
seeing the wrinkles that crinkle in waves,
with a smirk staring or possibly glaring back.

If I feel that time has been stolen from me
seeing what I see, well, Lordy me, what
do you see when you set your
pearlescent eyes upon the likes of me.


In '83, my shoulders were square,
and I had locks of curly red hair,
and you ... oh, by golly, Molly me!
You were the prettiest thing
that ever could be.


In '03, my shoulders were still square
but my belly was beginning to round.
But you could still wear that heart-stopper
of a wedding dress, still looking better
then all the rest.

In '13, my shoulders .... Well, let's not
talk about these in a crowd, please.
But I caught that guy giving
you a second look, I smiled,
knowing that fellow
had great taste in my book.

In '23, we'll have been married,
coming upon a big forty years.
Still with my wrinkles, warps, scars
twice repaired shoulders,
and yes, gimpy leg ,
you hold my hand as we stroll
in the park.

Yes, even at our age, holding hands ...

because I know you know
when I look into your eyes,
seeing clear to the bottom of
your loving heart,
I see the gal I wed in '83,
gazing right back,
whom I knew on day one,
I would never part.


Author Notes
Contest entry for NaPoWriPo contest

Free Verse

Thanks for the use of Photo by Nina Hill on Unsplash


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