- Season of Love and Marriage - 5by JLR
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Seasons of Change
: Season of Love and Marriage - 5 by JLR
Artwork by cleo85 at

Seasons of Love and Marriage


Love builds over the span of time.
like a large oak grows rings each year,
passions growth, like nature, is sublime.
When devoted, there is much to cheer.

As with the seasons, change is common.
While we 'oft think better of concentric
cycles that feel like a safe harbor in a storm,
the bedrock of a strong marriage is
knowing there will be stormy days,
Keeping your marriage a safe harbor.


When in a lifeboat, the two that keep rowing in unison,
with all life's stuff stowed on the marriage raft,
does descend into a rough trough, they will remain seagoing,
then again, sail afloat on smooth seas, with the wind abaft.

Most certainly, deep affection drives Intense feelings.
A passion that kindles tenderness,
creates warmth and intimacy that instills
a complete commitment to making a marriage work.
When both partners hold firm to an allegiance
built from the trust of fidelity ...
Love becomes timeless.

Over the span of time, like the tree's roots growing deep
So do the roots bind the young at heart's tender minds.
As a tree bends when winds blow across a forested steep,
learning to bend, not break, makes you both wunderkinds.

Author Notes
A Poem for NaPoWriPo contest

A grandfathers wisdoms, shared in rhyme and free verse

Authors Notes:
abaft: in or behind the stern of a ship.
wunderkinds: two who achieves great success when relatively young

Thanks for the use of South Wind by cleo85 on


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