- Seasons of Nature - IVby JLR
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Poem 4
Seasons of Change
: Seasons of Nature - IV by JLR

Seasons of Nature


My mind, body, and spirit are still.
Still, as the water that lies motionless.
Even more still than the movement of air.
Therefore, I find, I am at peace this fall day.

Deep from within,
my eyes see more than bountiful,
vibrant colors in the leaves leaning
gracefully in a majestic shower of
light streaming from the autumn sun's rays.
I am taking in the miracle of a season in transition.

Within this scene,
a reverie of timelessness deepens,
much like the mirroring of the stately trees
aglow on the pond's surface.
This place where my Being is enveloped
in a sudden sense of unfathomable awe,
which transcends words.

Can such be seen entirely undisturbed?

My heart implores this place,
this time, this moment
to remain an immutable object
that teases all the senses like
when I experience a cool,
crisp mid-autumn morn, locked forever,
frozen in time, in one's memory.

My mind, body, and spirit are still.
Still, as the water that lies motionless.
Even more still than the movement of air.
Therefore, I find, I am at peace this fall day.


Author Notes
Poem IV NaPoWriMo April Poetry Contest
a free verse poem

thanks for the use of lucas-calloch-P-yzuyWFEIk-unsplash


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