- Seasons of Nature - IIIby JLR
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Poem 3
Seasons of Change
: Seasons of Nature - III by JLR

Seasons of Nature


Hidden from view,
just beyond the trees,
lies the real gem.
The shimmering lake,
where summer days seem to
make time come to a complete stop.

Overhead the broken clouds slowly
loosen the blanket of yesterday's
heat, letting the still hot air,
at last, dissipate.
Creating a slight shimmering,
seen to the eye like waves of energy
climbing upward from grassy ground
to billowing clouds and bright sky.

Many summers have been spent
taking this trek along this well-worn
earthen path, hard-packed over time.
A trail that never yields to Mother nature's
urging of the meadow to shrink away the route.

My nostrils flare.
As I inhale and smell the
sweet fragrances of flowering petals
reaching toward the baby blue sky,
I thank Him above for providing me
another long summer's day.
Then, as if I hear the whisper
of the sirens beckoning me,
I pick up my pace toward the
embrace of the water spirits
forever tugging at my soul.


Author Notes
Poem III NaPoWriMo April Poetry Contest
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