- PM, I am bursting forth!by JLR
This work has reached the exceptional level
A Poem of thanks and celebration
PM, I am bursting forth! by JLR
Free Verse Poem contest entry
Artwork by seshadri_sreenivasan at

Man! I am bursting forth!
Like a cascade of heavy rain
splashing hard, flowing fast.
Rushing, gushing through life’s rapids.
Man! I am bursting forth! 
Making room in my happy heart
telling my Over Soul,
"I want you to meet our new neighbor."
Man! I am bursting forth!
flooded with awe! PM moved in
with just one required task ...
keep this old heart in the rat race.
Man! I am bursting forth!
Instantly stepping up the pace,
PM, sets steady beats.
Now, my heart is not skipping 'round!


Author Notes
Authors note:

OverSoul - my higher spiritual self held firmly within my heart.
PM - pace maker

PM moved in 3/23 late in the afternoon, that evening I had chat with myself and told my Over Soul not to feel pushed out that PM had one simple task ....

I am extending my heartfelt gratitude to my FS freinds for the great amount of prayers that have fully carried through the rough patch of the past two weeks, you each are so special! Thank You...

Thank you for the use of The Sounds Of Heart Beats by seshadri_sreenivasan on


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