Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Follows with Another Amazing and Incredible Journey Entitled,
"Developed Feeling's" (A)
Written on March 19th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Immigration by Electional appeal?
Reality lost the Real?
Heartache shattered and nothing seems to now matter?
Cast in a cloak of Nightmarish Screams.
Nightmares replace Dreams, as no more "Wishing Upon."
Yes, as all the Stars now are?
Not but temptation kills Realty.
Clouded-Crystal UnClarity?
One more chance for those whom await?
Skimming the Surface.
Praying for a Saving?
Not much more Time.
Time left to Be.
To Be or Not to Be?
No Time left for Me?
Guilt tripped as the Stars were tricked?
Yes, and teasing, as pleasing, as feasting...
Yes, for attention.
God, but there was too much Tension!
Blood-Oxygen level dissipates.
God, no more attention ?
Yes, as tension Mounts.
Tears spout.
Times against me!
And, as for my Only Son Jay?
"Just a Matter of Time?.
"Partnership in Crime" (B)
Written on March 19th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Tripping the light.
Skipping the Rainbows Bridge?
Mounting the Summits Ridge.
Looking down through Multi-layered Clouds.
Attractions reactions moment to be Allowed?
Damn for crying out Loud!
Gates open.
Ready to appear?
Shattered Reality is there nothing here?
Heart- Cracked open wide!
A Moment of Silence.
And, now Deeper inside.
As Hollowed Cavern emits, little light?
Thank God's lantern!
Heart Chest Opened.
Ready, willing and able to succeed with an offering.
A Gift of Need?
A Gift of Life?
Now, slowly, closings rendered again. Crimson Red tis his oxygen.
Shall no longer Pretend.
Soon amen.
The process is Ending.
As the Multicolored Clouds gather at the Ridge of the Rainbow Bridge.
Happy smiles!
Gates now closing slowly.
My Only Son Jay is finally back home Back home where he belongs.
Mission revealed.
His tears Divine.
As for me?
"Partnership in Crime"
"A Matter of Time" (C)
Written on March 19th, 2023
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Trying to blame but the Tears?
God, those Endless Tears!
I'm watching him slowly dying.
God but why?
Why my Little Guy?
No answer, No reply?
Just Never Endless teardrops.
Teardrops floating bye.
Hearts slowly beating and in rhyme.
Feelings restored.
Breaking through this now.
God, why?
"Punctured Realty".
God, why?
What time now for this is my blood!
He's me and me is He!
Take me not He!
Two ships in the fog are passing.
As for me?
Yes, and there will be no more Kissing.
(I'm insisting)
No more smiling.
(Or Valentining)
Nor music Everlasting.
(Because of his passing)
God Above!
Oh how Ruined!
Tis I!
Woe tis Me!
And, no more try?
Still God, my Jay hath to Doth Die?
And, as for those today, Still Alive?
Well, then as I end
End with an Amen.
That's just fine.
"A Matter of *Time"
Author Notes
*Time: noun
1. Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present.
"Jason passed but over time lives on"
Note: They say that
"Death is the Final Frontier"
I say, and in my situation.
Yes, it's the beginning!
Yes, a new beginning for those who were blessed with
"The Gift of Life!"
To learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara. S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
"And, the Beat Goes On!"
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist, 'VMarguarite'
VMarguarite's Amazing and Incredible Picture Entitled,
"Spiritually Entered"