- After the Great War by HarryT
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WWI veteran and daughter need money.
After the Great War by HarryT
80 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry

"How about a dime for an old vet and his little girl?" The concertina man began to play a Tarantella; a petite, curly-haired blonde girl holding a tin cup, began to dance. She smiled, picked up the hem of her tattered dress and twirled around us with one hand raised over her head. I flipped a fifty-cent piece high into the air. She spun and caught it in her cup. Her father tipped his battered campaign cap. "Bless you, son."

Writing Prompt
Write a story of 80 words. not including the title. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 80 words.

Author Notes
World War I is often referred to as the Great War. My grandfather told me of his experience with the concertina man.


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