Follows with Another Amazing and Incredible Journey Entitled,
"Amazing and Incredible Journey"
"Substance of Reality" (A)
Written on March 10th, 2024
By Jason Richard Smrkovsky
Copyright © Fanstory
'All Rights Reserved'
Edge by Mortality Systematic Immobility.
Clearly now you see but now you won't?
Am I an optical illusion by a hypnotist?
Hypnotized Visions?
Clarity reduced by mirrored thoughts?
Time lost, purchased and bought with just this thought?
Can you Believe me?
But then can you, if you can't see me?
But can you try to feel?
Feel that I am Real?
Now if you can Feel that I am Real?
Then touch deeply?
Yes, ever so Deeply within me!
Grasp my Soul and release it!
Recapture my Broken Heart that no longer shall beat?
Once you have achieved?
Only then can you begin to Believe?
For the Crystal Clarity is now?
"Substance of Reality"
"Tempered Release" (B)
Written on March 10th, 2024
By Doctor Ricky 1024
Massive Heat.
Escalating pain.
Overbearing grief.
The Day's filter in "Shades of Gray."
Praying for a Single, Sunny, Day?
But still come what may I must?!
No matter the Ashes to Ashes.
No matter the Dust to Dust.
Memories melt into granular Rust.
Why Dear Lord must it always be just?
Just if i had known?
Known before he was full grown?
Just if Eye had seen?
Seen and realized the Path to be?
Just if I had but a single Inkling of Clue?
Just if I could have took his place!
But God his time and not mine was overdue.
So again and again and over and over again my friend.
With all the Overbearing Grief.
"Tempered *Release"
Author Notes
*Release: verb
1. allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free.
"an official confirm the prisoners would be released immediately"
Similar: free, set free, let go.
Note: in order to release the soul, we first need to make a commitment.
A commitment that the body will no longer be, but the soul will be released and set free!
I made that decision on April 1st 2003.
Yes for my Only Son Jason Richard.
Seventeen hours later?
Unfortunately, Jason was diagnosed, "Brain Dead"
By the state of New Jersey.
So, on March 31st, 2003.
I decided to donate his organs.
To Learn more about the Miracle of 'Organ-Tissue Donations?'
Simply contact my dearest friend.
Lara S. Moretti the L.S.W. with
"The Gift of Life!"
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at
Jason Richard Smrkovsky
November 5th, 1984~
March 31st, 2003.
Organ's Graciously donated to the Four on April 1st, 2003
(April Fool's Day..
Special thanks goes out first, as always, to Heavenly Father and His Only Son Jesus Christ.
Fanstory and Tom the Administrator.
Fan Art Review, this Talented Artist,
And Seshadri's Incredible as Amazing Picture Entitled,
"Visible Substance Transformed"