gone was I in the deep vacuum of roaring nothingness.
a place where no memory can live.
colliding mind drowned in fire burning doubful visions.
scenes flickering loud.
sureness of questionability form with a secret not shared.
conviction assured.
caress the hope of knowknowledge those of life no longer grasped.
eludes their natural state.
beckoned my attention craved in
blissfull naivety.
bewilderments shadow.
so opened the gates, rush the guise of life they come.
audience honesty, earnestly.
not for corporeal eyes, the door turns slight shift right.
through the gate comes knowing.
a man in sickness battles pain from lost loved ones divide.
of fate no inkling rises.
inside my eyes she rose, words of love, light, wellness flowed.
step aside the deluge comes.
deep dawning of sun, relief drawn, etched in his face resting.
deliver the mystery revealed.
not of this world flow continues, words come when bidden.
all from God ever present.
change runs rough shod, my living mind spins, flips.
just a phone booth...step aside...
Author Notes
The veil between this world and the next is thining everyday and time speeds up. See the signs in the world around us. Our advancement sped in the last hundred and twenty years of our evolution and the systematic pull down of our planet.
Nothing I can do is mine. It's God's alone and I am merely a phone booth.
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