you tip my world
upside down as never before —
beneath a canopy
of ten thousand bright stars
and a dark new moon
Author Notes
-- Ekphrastic poems are inspired by a picture or painting
-- Syllables count: 4/8/6/6/5 = 29 -- the rule is 31 syllables OR LESS
-- Considering all the stars visible in all directions around Earth, it's estimated to be about 10,000 stars.
-- The new moon is not visible because it's behind the sun.
Tanka (means short poetry) originated 1300 years ago in Japan's Imperial Court where lovers exchanged tanka after a night together. Tanka evokes vivid imagery and reflection for the reader. They are free verse without meter or rhyme. They follow a 5 lines pattern of 5/7/5/7/7 (31) syllables or LESS because English syllables are different than Japanese syllables. The goal, as with most Japanese poetry, is to write as succinctly as possible. Tanka transitions from the descriptive top two lines into the reflective bottom three lines, using metaphor, simile, or personification. Modern Tanka rules are not as strict. The subject matter can vary, but most tanka are emotionally stirring or profound, and many are about love. Tanka is usually written in the first-person narrator's point of view. === click here if you want to read modern tanka examples === click here to read Tanka Society of America === click here if you want to read modern tanka rules
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"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." --Atticus