- A Jealous Boyby pookietoo
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He wanted me.
A Jealous Boy by pookietoo
One Word: Jealousy writing prompt entry

As a teenager, I fell in love.
I felt he was a gift from above.
He shares with me his mind and his heart.
We miss each other when we're apart.

We go to movies; I let him choose.
He knows how to chase away my blues.
We go on walks, watch the clouds float by.
We love seeing sunsets in the sky.

Another boy had a jealous rage.
He was three years younger than my age.
He wanted to cause my boyfriend pain.
He had a handgun, acted insane.

The boy I was with - my chosen one.
We called 911 then had to run.
I did not desire this jealous boy.
I knew this boy would not bring me joy.

I did not like this boy's face at all,
Wanted to throw him against the wall.
The cops talked to him; he tried to fight.
One scolded him, and one held him tight.

They took him to jail for a few days,
Was told he had to straighten his ways.
I heard his gun was taken away
So he would not try to kill one day.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem based on this word: Jealousy.


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