- Guttedby Kaiku
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Jealousy destroys
Gutted by Kaiku
One Word: Jealousy writing prompt entry

I saw the prompt and went fishing
For an answer that is often missing
The Perch I had held in the wild
Could now offer words to this child
You see my little one
I have swallowed your hook
It lies deep within my breast
And I am yours
I have surfaced for you now
Upon your gentle hands I rest
Breathing with eyes alert
I`m a keeper
Never mind your friend`s line
It is I who was lured
By your gentle motions
And swam to your open arms
Why have you begun to grip me tight
I am yours; I have no fight
Your pull rips and tears me apart
I have no life, I have no heart
It was the other line that spoke
Offering his friend a beautiful sight
The little boy had no choice
But to reclaim his hook and try again
I saw the prompt and went fishing
For an answer that is often missing
The Perch I had held in the wild
Could now offer words to this child


Writing Prompt
Write a poem based on this word: Jealousy.

Author Notes
Jealously is an ugly word and feeling. It can enrage a person to the point they want to rip out the other persons guts. This is no fish story.


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