- Life's Stormby Sanku
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Life's Storm by Sanku

I have seen enough
of these tormenting tornadoes
whipping the waves into a wailing frenzy

I have felt
the boat rock
tossed side to side
thrown up and down

roller coaster rides between
troughs and crests
and always learning to keep sane

I kept my head above
' the turbid ebbs and tides of human misery'

watching as the cliffs stood firm
and the wind moaned through the groves

Now  I hear the muted hiss of waves
as it calmly hugs the shore

But I feel tired..


Author Notes
I always had a fascination for sea .It is a metaphor for life, I feel.

' turbid ebbs and flow of human misery'.. Dover Beach by Mathew Arnold.


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