- Food for Thoughtby pome lover
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november 15, 2022
Food for Thought by pome lover



I hope people from both sides of the political aisle will read this.

President Trump announced, today, his intent to run for President in 2024. He promised to bring this country back to prosperity like it was before Biden and his administration destroyed it. He is not doing this for fame or power. He has already taken enough abuse that would have destroyed most people. He is doing this to save America!

Today Conservatives lost the Senate but won the House. A split Congress.

Please think about these things: Compare Trump’s America to Biden’s. There is no comparison. We went from a proud, successful nation, in two years, to a weak, humiliated, pitied and certainly not admired or trusted, country. That is a sad and unacceptable state of affairs.

The Radical Left, with the ever-present help from the biased media promoting lies to the public, turned this country against our President.

Okay, people got tired of his boasting. I did, too. But, what about Biden’s boasting? Whose has merit? Whose is true? Who has, behind him, great accomplishments for this country? And who has ruined everything he has touched?

And while we’re on the subject of boasting, what about Obama, for Pete’s sake?  He was also cocky, with his feet up on the President’s desk in the Oval Office. He was all into power and accruing wealth. (He now has three mansions) His first priority was himself.

President Trump has proved what he can do for this country. So has Biden. What is your choice?

"With Biden wanting to do away with cash, because it’s not “trackable,” he is ordering

without the approval of Congress, the states, or the American people…

Biden signed into law Executive Order 14067.

Buried in his Order are a few paragraphs, titled Section 4

The language in Section 4 makes Order 14067…

…the most treacherous act by a sitting President in the history of our republic.

Because Section 4 sets the stage for…

Legal government surveillance of all US citizens

Total control over your bank accounts and purchases…

And the ability to silence all dissenting voices for good.

In this new war on freedom, the Dems aren’t coming for your guns.

No, they’re thinking much bigger than that...

They’re coming for your money."

Cash is not “trackable,” that’s why Biden wants to do away with it and why our banks are told to spy on us. My sister was called by her bank and told that she had too much cash in her account! What business is it of his? She asked him that and he said they were required  to notify customers.

If a new currency is forced into law, think what this means. We will have lost all control of  our own finances  – our privacy– our lives!  This is Socialism, and what we can look forward to – if it’s not already too late.

When Trump was President, he had everything running smoothly in America. Gas prices were low, there was plenty of food, the farmers had fertilizer. America was energy independent instead of begging oil from our enemies. We had everything we needed. Including freedom!!!

Then China, Biden’s money source, sent Covid, which killed those the untested vaccines did not. Has Biden EVER put the blame where it belongs? Would Trump have? Most definitely. Wasted years which ruined lives, businesses, cost children loss of education and friends, scared them to death with useless masks, while Big Pharma raked in the money.

We had a President who truly loves this country, and against all odds, made things better. We have the chance again. He is heart sick, like most Americans, about the way it is intentionally being destroyed.

Yes, Gov. DeSantis would also make a good President, but he is 44 and has plenty of years to run. We knowTrump’s strengths and what he did for us. It would not be new to him, and other countries know them, too, and that he means business because he has already proved it.

If Americans fail to do the right thing this time, say hello to Socialism, total gov’t. control, fewer necessities, parental rights taken away, total indoctrination of our children. For God’s sake, look at the socialist countries. Is that what you want? If not, vote for the person who will make this country and your life happy, safe, independent and proud again.

Think about what has happened to us in two short years and ask yourself, do you want more of not only the same, but worse, because the America we know and love will be lost forever if this Socialist administration has its way. And that’s the truth.



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